5 Simple and Stress-Free Solutions for Your Clogged Toilet

Maintaining a clog-free toilet is crucial for proper function and the longevity of your plumbing system. Toilets clog when there is too much toilet paper, waste, or water in the bowl. It can cause the water to back up and overflow, making a mess and causing damage to your bathroom.

There are a variety of stress-free solutions available to handle this issue so that you can have a functioning and clean toilet in no time. Keep reading to learn tips and tricks for clearing any blockage from your toilet and ensuring it remains free from clogs.

1. Use a Plunger to Force the Blockage Out

This method should be considered for any toilet blockage that does not involve significant obstructions in the pipes. To use a plunger in removing a blockage, start by ensuring that the plunger is adequately submerged in water. It will provide maximum force when attempting to move the blockage. 

When positioning the plunger over the drain, ensure that the flange part of the plunger fits tightly into the opening. It will help create a seal between the plunger and the opening, leading to a more effective removal of the blockage. 

2. Pour Boiling Water Down the Toilet

This method is especially effective for toilets blocked with grease, soap scum, or other organic matter. When trying this method, use caution when pouring the boiling water into your toilet bowl. It is wise to wear some protective gear, such as long sleeves and gloves.

Once the boiling water has been poured down the toilet, it should be left to sit for a couple of minutes so it can break up the blockage. Once complete, you can try flushing your toilet again and see if it works. If not, you can repeat the cycle or choose a different solution.

3. Try Baking Soda and Vinegar

This home remedy utilizes two natural ingredients, often found in your kitchen, to unclog a toilet quickly and efficiently. 

First, pour one cup of baking soda down the toilet followed by a half cup of vinegar. The combination will fizz up, creating a reaction that unclogs the pipe. Allow this mixture to sit for at least an hour before flushing the toilet again. If the clog remains after flushing, repeat the process.

4. Use an Auger or “Plumbers Snake”

An auger, also known as a “closet auger” or “toilet auger,” is a plumbing tool designed to clear blocked and slow-running toilets. This practical tool uses a reinforced cable and an easy-to-operate handle to twist and push through the toilet to break up toilet clogs. 

While using an auger, you may need to adjust the cable length by turning the red handle until it reaches the end of the blockage. Once it reaches the obstruction, you should turn the crank handle to loosen it before pulling out the cable. 

5. Ask a Plumber for Help if All Else Fails

Having a clogged toilet can be a stressful and time-consuming problem. While there are many DIY solutions to try, such as plunging and using home remedy cleaners, it might be time to call in a professional plumber if all else fails. It is often the stress-free solution for your clogged toilet, as they have the necessary experience and equipment to complete the job quickly and correctly. 


Clogged toilets are a nuisance that all homeowners must deal with from time to time. Taking the initiative to learn about stress-free solutions for these clogs is a great way to save money. 

Alternatively, when the issue is too large or complex, it is best to leave the job to a professional plumber to have the best value for your money. Regardless of your route, dealing with clogged toilets does not have to be a stressful experience.

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